The ins and outs of Alternative App Stores

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David Jones from Streethawk and Paul “The App Guy” Kemp are two very sharp minds in the mobile world. CodeNgo co-founder Chris Jones had a chat with both of them. The focus of course is about Alternative App Stores, and what alternative app stores can do for developers, but covers wide ranging topics from subscription… Read more »

Low cost and effective marketing strategies to improve your app business

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We have spoken with Puneet Yamparala, owner of the active & prominent App Entrepreneurs and Marketers Group on Facebook. We asked him to share tips and strategies on how developers can implement low cost but effective marketing strategies to improve their app businesses. What mistakes do you see most often by developers when it comes to… Read more »

Is the carrier app store making a comeback?

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News of a potential new app store from Verizon has caused at least what is called a marginal stir in the US wireless community. The tech press and analysts are not exactly believers though.  Why is this the case? Are mobile operators doomed to fail yet again? Perhaps there are driving forces simply requiring them… Read more »

Key learnings for the developer Rock Star

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The largest survey among app developers on the market, Vision Mobile’s Developer Economics, has just been published. With over 10.000 developers participating, the report contains key information for any developer trying to learn the business of app development. Read on to see why going for gold in the apps business is kind of like trying… Read more »

What the Internet Trends means for the mobile app developer

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It’s that time of year, when a barrage of free statistics come at you from Mary Meeker at Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers (KPCB). The Internet Trends report is undoubtedly one of the most influential reports out there – and hey, it’s hard to beat free.  But what does this all mean for you as… Read more »

Android Appstore Market Overview

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There are more than 30 different app stores for Android; for some of them statistics are available and for some of them they are not. We have collected almost all available information and have tried to answer the question: Does it make sense to spent time submitting my app to alternative Android appstores?

Amazon with updated SDK and Coins available for Android

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From Amazon New Updates and Releases Amazon Coins Now Available on Android We recently extended Amazon Coins to all Android devices with Amazon Appstore installed. Amazon Coins is a way for Amazon Appstore customers to buy and enjoy Android apps, games, and in-app items for less. Customers can save up to 10% on apps and… Read more »

The Problem with Localizing Apps

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App localization became one of the hot topics in 2013 for app publishers. Seemingly every couple of weeks another article or blog post came out touting the benefits of localization on app downloads. Combined with an increasing need to globalize distribution, being an app developer suddenly means you are a global business. New companies, like… Read more »