Top 9 Best Value 3rd Party Android App Stores Proven Free of Malware & for Additional Developer Exposure

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Google has improved its Android app Store a lot in the past few years, but sometimes you need an alternative. For those times, here are 9 great Play Store alternatives that you should know about right now. While these alternatives may not provide you with all the functionality you may desire, they can come in… Read more »

10 Tips On Boosting Engagement and User Retention in Mobile Apps

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You have finished your app — everything from its codes to its features. What’s next is releasing it to the public. However, you need to make it a successful app by gathering and garnering a lot of potential and active users of your mobile application.You have finished your app — everything from its codes to… Read more »

Boost Your App Downloads With These 8 App Store Optimization Tips

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Gone are the days when having a dedicated app for your business was considered a luxury. Today, the situation is completely different, as your app has to compete against 7 million other apps. Yes, you read that right. As a business, you want your app to stand out so it gets as many downloads and… Read more »

Mobile App Development Trends That Are Expected To Roll Out In 2018

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It is no exaggeration to say that if you have a deep hunger to be the best, you need to press forward and not be concerned with what will happen tomorrow. This is the success mantra often heard in today’s digital arena, and if not followed, you will disappear in the thousands of unnamed businesses… Read more »

Hidden expenses of mobile app development

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It is no wonder that top mostly-used mobile apps inhabit the first user’s page. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Angry Birds, etc., this list can be further followed by hundreds of reputed applications that have already become the household names nowadays.  Subsequently, it comes naturally to many promising startuppers to ask that very question: how much does… Read more »

Predictions? Pain!

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New years is the time of predictions for blogs, journalists and news sites, thought leaders and the like. Few of the predictions get judged a year after, and many are blatantly obvious or provide no real insight into what it means for your business, but still, it’s worth reading. We take a look at a… Read more »

Top reasons why you need to have an app – and to spend to acquire users

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The debate on mobile app vs mobile web has raged for years. We thought we had put it to rest a couple of years ago, when statistics overwhelmingly favored apps. New research from Comscore not only confirms this trend, but also shows that app users are a much more captive audience. But the days of… Read more »

Alternative App stores and gambling – match made in heaven?

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There is lots of excitement about the revenue generated from Pokemon Go.  Sure, $1,6m per day or $200m in revenue in a month is nothing to shrug away, not is an expected $36,9bn in total mobile games revenue expected for 2016. But that is peanuts compared to expected growth in mobile gambling revenues. How big… Read more »

Feel like donating your money to Facebook? Consider this first

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Facebook is the undisputed king of mobile app advertising. For the price of $3.40 per install on average, $2.9 billion is spent of marketing apps on Facebook. Few can argue the platforms strong ability to target users. But the price is steep. Does it pay off? It starts with your business model. Appsflyer claims that… Read more »

App Publishing Beyond The Great Chinese Firewall

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Services like CodeNgo are one way to get you a few steps ahead of your competition. You’ll maximize the numbers of eyeballs that potentially see and download your app. Something is still missing though in your worldwide equation. It’s time to give back to the community who likely made your iPhone or Android phone and… Read more »