Is Microsoft coming back in favor with app developers?

“Windows Phone is the new cool” touts Vision Mobile’s latest Developer Economics report. In it, they point to the fact that 57% of developers plan to adopt Windows Phone very soon.  At CodeNgo we’ve had a chance to play with the Lumia 900, and it is not a bad device at all, albeit with quite… Read more »

Should you sell your mobile app?

You’ve spent months(?) slaving away creating the next cool app. You drop it in iTunes and/or Google Play and sit and wait. And wait. And wait. Chances are you will make very little money. Research from Vision Mobile has shown that most developers are disappointed with revenues (Do check out their latest Developer Economics report!… Read more »

3 things you need to know as a mobile app developer before considering subscription models

Both Google and Amazon are touting subscription as the thing you should be looking at if you are a mobile app developer. The principle is quite simple as described by Amazon: So essentially it allows you to set up a recurring charge, but with very little other functionality. Google’s subscription is more advanced and ties… Read more »

In-app subscription – a Game Changer?

Google recently announced they will be supporting subscription billing in their in-app billing engine. A Senior Vice President for Glu said “In-app subscriptions allow us to offer entirely new types of products, things that just weren’t possible before,” — “This is huge for us and game developers in general.” So will subscription really be this… Read more »

The missing links in the HTML5 eco-system

HTML5 has a few challenges in reaching its potential in the mobile space. Although the platform offers opportunities for developers to bridge the gap between platforms, it also creates a problem with its ability to reach customers like iOS and Android markets. HTML5’s ecosystem needs channels for distribution to app stores, but the HTML5 based… Read more »

Multidimensional fragmentation – a major headache

Reading about the massive fragmentation issue that exists in Android today in a recent TechCrunch article is really an eye opener. The amount of devices games developer Animoca had available to test was a flashback to the old days of J2ME (insert shivering here). This is not news to industry insiders, and industry experts like… Read more »

What lies beyond the iTunes Appstore and Google Play

Small and medium development houses have to jump through hoops to receive app store approval. As if HTML5 wasn’t difficult enough to work with, there are a number of other problems that come with trying to submit content to additional appstores. Just like a real ecosystem can become polluted over time, the developer ecosystem that… Read more »

I HATE the Apple approvals process!

The approval process for the App Store is a love-hate relationship. It is a process that most developers state that Apple “loves,” but I “hate”. From the beginning, Apple has had very strict rules on how it would approve or deny new apps. Apple feels that the approvals process should be this way to avoid… Read more »