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Up until 2 decades ago, no one would have thought that a mobile phone could evolve to become the next big thing. Cell phones and telephones were primarily used as means of communication, which gradually transformed into smartphones that have now changed our lives. by Vitaliy Shkura Beginning from voicemails, mobile phone manufacturers realized that… Read more »

5 Writing Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your App

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Writing tips

The mobile app industry continues to grow with each year and the latest data indicate that 87% of smartphone users spend time using different apps. In 2020 alone, 218 billion apps were downloaded from Google and Apple stores, meaning there is a market out there for any type of app. by Jessica Fender Whether you… Read more »

Why Should You Develop a Mobile App Prototype First?

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Why you should prototype mobile apps

How much do you agree on the fact that going to the meeting well-prepared creates a lasting impression? Secondly, what exactly do you recommend for pitching right – a deck or a working prototype of your idea?  By Alicia Canon Definitely, a working model of your idea or even at least a prototype of some… Read more »

How to make a healthcare app

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With the Covid-19 pandemic still affecting people’s lives worldwide, the need for a good healthcare provider app to follow up on continued care is more relevant than ever. By Mikael Frederiksen According to statistics there are almost 54,000 iOS healthcare apps in the Apple App Store. In the Google Play store there are a little… Read more »

How Blockchain is Disrupting the Mobile App Development Segment

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Blockchain and mobile apps

Blockchain is no longer just the word on everyone’s lips; it’s being implemented in many different areas. It’s impacting industries all across the globe. Many refer to it as a revolution, especially when looking at the changes it’s bringing to education, finance, and healthcare. As this technology becomes more common, we can expect to see… Read more »

App Store Optimisation (ASO)-Tips and Tricks for 2021

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Building an application is one thing and making it popular is another. App Development requires a lot of money, time and effort, but those things go in vain if you do not have the audience to use your application.  There are more than 5 million apps available on the app store. You cannot expect that somebody… Read more »

Top 5 mobile marketing trends so far this year

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Top 5 Mobile marketing trends

With the number of people choosing to shop through their phones rather than in-store, the number of smartphone users is growing by the day.  In fact, more than 275 million Americans own a smartphone, of which 79% have made a purchase online using their mobile device. If you see mobile marketing as a great opportunity… Read more »

A Small Business Guide to Starting a Podcast [Infographic]

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Content marketing comes in many different shapes and sizes. Creators like you have a lot of options: blog posts, social media updates, visuals, video, slide decks, and more. But have you ever thought about making your own podcast for yourself or for your company? by Liz Rustia The rise of audio social could indicate increasing opportunities in this regard,… Read more »

React Native vs Android and iOS

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React Native

React Native is a structure made by Facebook that permits you to create versatile local applications for iOS and Android with a solitary JavaScript codebase. In 2012 Mark Zuckerberg remarked, “The greatest mix-up we made as an organization was wagering a lot on HTML5 rather than local”. Respond Native was declared at Facebook’s Reacts.js gathering… Read more »

App Annie: Mobile app demand surging, gaming revenue set to surpass $120B

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App Annie State of Mobile 2021

Research Study from App Annie exposes the level of a rise in need for mobile apps, driven predominately by video gaming. by Liz Rustia Mobile video game profits is anticipated to increase 20 percent this year to go beyond $120 billion. A year into a pandemic, it is of little surprise to hear that intake… Read more »