9 Mobile trends in 2018 and beyond

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Smartphones have become an extension of our very being in recent years. We use them for music, alarms, clocks, messaging across multiple platforms such as good old SMS, to Viber, WhatsApp and FB messenger, catching up on news, watching YouTube videos, checking email, corporate apps for time management, project management and many other tasks. It’s… Read more »

Google’s progressive onboarding

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We sometimes hear developers or product managers say – “tips” are a sign your UI has failed. But Google, with the biggest B2C interactive audience (if you include search) globally, use tips and modals very creatively. by David Jones, Founder and CEO of Pointzi.com – codeless on-boarding You would think that Google have: Some of the best… Read more »

2017’s Top Mobile App Marketing Tips That Assure Success

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Over the last couple of years, the mobile app industry has created a buzz in the market, giving a lot of opportunities to businesses worldwide. With the inception of mobile apps in the online market, various online shoppers depend on mobile to alter their different interests as well as tasks. Apart from their laptops, they… Read more »

Best Apps to Save You From Boredom On Long Haul Flights

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Boarding a plane can be exciting, memorable and downright exhilarating (we can all remember our first time on an airplane, right?), but there comes a point 8 hours in on a long haul flight to California when killing time becomes a priority. Smartphones and tablets have become a life-saver when it comes to helping us… Read more »

The battle of the icons: Should you worry about being on the phone screen?

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According to Comscore, 7 out of 10 smartphone users keep their most used apps on their home screen. Increasingly it is becoming more common for users to create folders of apps to stick them in. The primary reason for users moving the app to the home screen is because the app is used often.  The… Read more »

Why Retention is Superior to Acquisition in the Mobile App Marketing World

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Today, the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store pack three million mobile apps. Consumers are spending 85 percent of their smartphone time in mobile apps, but only five of the daily mobile user’s apps experience heavy use. What gives? by Sophorn Chhay Failed retention, mostly, is responsible for the split dichotomy of app use…. Read more »

The return of Microsoft as a mobile force?

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Windows Mobile has in large part been heralded as a pretty good and sleek operating system. Consumers however, have not caught on at all, and Microsoft’s market share in the mobile OS market has been minimal. With Windows 10 and some strategic moves, it could mean the return to mobile relevance for Microsoft for a… Read more »

The platform wars – and what it means for a developer

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There has been lots of research and articles trying to pin down the success of Apple and Google in effectively winning the mobile platform wars.  But possibly the best analysis comes from Vision Mobile’s Mobile Megatrends. As a developer when deciding which platforms to support, one may wonder if the game is over for any… Read more »

5 Amazing Apps For Managing Your Diabetes

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The American Diabetes Association states that over eight percent of Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes. If you’re one of the approximately 19 million Americans affected by this condition, you can use mobile apps to help manage your blood sugar and other issues you face on a daily basis. Since Android and iOS offer thousands… Read more »

App Store Optimization for Dummies

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By Satya Shetty This post is bare bones App Store Optimization (ASO) for beginners. I explain to a newbee App developer what ASO means and which app parameters to optimize. A developer’s mindset is typically something like this: “Develop an awesome app and put it in the app store. Users will love my app and… Read more »