Boarding a plane can be exciting, memorable and downright exhilarating (we can all remember our first time on an airplane, right?), but there comes a point 8 hours in on a long haul flight to California when killing time becomes a priority. Smartphones and tablets have become a life-saver when it comes to helping us enjoy our journeys that little bit more and, as WiFi in the sky is often limited to a few airlines, playing some great games while flying shouldn’t be compromised due to a lack of internet access.
No matter what far-flung destination you have to travel to, these apps are sure to make your flight as tolerable as possible:
Spirits (Android and IPad)
This game is great for anxious travellers because it’s as challenging as it is calming. The goal is to transport incredibly cute white spirits home through a series of obstacles. With beautiful imagery, soothing music and some really tough levels; this game is a great option for a more chilled-out journey.
National Geographic World Atlas (iOS and Windows 8)
If travel is your passion then why not download the National Geographic World Atlas app? Browsing through the app is equally as entertaining as it is encompassing, meaning time will fly away with you. It also means you’ll land knowing a little bit more about your destination than when you left off!

Zen Space (iPad)
Dealing with irritating fellow passengers on any flight (let alone a long haul flight) is possibly the worst case imaginable for the majority of us. Zen Space is a handy app to have at the ready to combat any noisy seat-mates. The app helps you create your own tranquil state of mind by drawing paths through sand with different rakes in a Japanese garden. The combination of gently drawing shapes in sand alongside with the sound of nature floating through your headphones, you are sure to feel at ease in moments.
Paper (iPad)
If you have limited hand luggage space, bringing a pen and paper to doodle or play noughts and crosses on may not be top of your priorities when packing for a flight. Sketching on the Paper app means you can draw to your hearts content for absolutely free.
Audible (Apple and Android)
A great alternative to listening to music and having tired eyes has to be an audio book. Not only is Audible free, it has something to suit everyone, with over 150,000 audio books on offer in their library.
Card Games (iOS)
Losing the odd playing card is an all too common occurrence on flights which is why Card Games is revolutionary in allowing you to play card games without creating a mess on your teeny tray table. Bonus.
If you’re flying on a long-haul flight to America, applying for the Visa Waiver, more commonly referred to as the US Visa, will be as vital as downloading some awesome apps. The Electronic System for Travel Authorisation makes visitors eligible to travel to the US under the USA Visa Waiver Program. Introduced in 2009, it is used to enhance security measures and pre-screen travellers before they can board a plane or ship headed for the US.
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