Where should you focus in 2017? Try India

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As the year starts and you are wondering where you should be focusing your app marketing efforts, perhaps it’s time to give India a long and hard look. India is certainly becoming a country where the art of app development is exploding, and searches for app development courses has grown 200% per year since 2014 and… Read more »

Why Retention is Superior to Acquisition in the Mobile App Marketing World

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Today, the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store pack three million mobile apps. Consumers are spending 85 percent of their smartphone time in mobile apps, but only five of the daily mobile user’s apps experience heavy use. What gives? by Sophorn Chhay Failed retention, mostly, is responsible for the split dichotomy of app use…. Read more »

Relying on the app store will kill your business

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The Verge recently posted a fascinating article on the fate of the app developer Pixite.  The story recounts what many developers are already seeing:  Relying on the App Store or Google Play for continued success simply will not fly. You could end up spending a fortune in just discoverability, and should you be so lucky… Read more »

How Deep Links in your Apps Help SEO

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As an app developer, sitting firmly atop the rankings on the first page of Google may be enough to secure a sizable amount of page views. Be it so, it’s no longer the crowning achievement in determining the number of downloads or installs your app has. There’s a more effective method for that now, and… Read more »

Got a niche app? Then go niche on your marketing

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Do you have an app that targets a specific consumer segment? Then you should make sure your app gets distributed on app stores that target this segment!  It’s easier than you think. Today smartphones are a commodity, and many handset manufacturers have realized that launching their device with bundled content offerings matched to their consumer… Read more »

Low cost and effective marketing strategies to improve your app business

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We have spoken with Puneet Yamparala, owner of the active & prominent App Entrepreneurs and Marketers Group on Facebook. We asked him to share tips and strategies on how developers can implement low cost but effective marketing strategies to improve their app businesses. What mistakes do you see most often by developers when it comes to… Read more »

The Problem with Localizing Apps

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App localization became one of the hot topics in 2013 for app publishers. Seemingly every couple of weeks another article or blog post came out touting the benefits of localization on app downloads. Combined with an increasing need to globalize distribution, being an app developer suddenly means you are a global business. New companies, like… Read more »

App Marketing In 2013: Five Things To Know

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Have you created the Next Big Thing in the app world – and now you’re wondering what to do to get people to use it? Whether you’re about to take the Apple App Store or the Android Market by storm, these tips should help get you started. One note before we start: Overall, you want… Read more »

When words are not enough

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For both iOS and Android developers today, getting your app discovered is often a bigger challenge than creating the application. With so much competition in the app stores and very limited time to make an impression on potential downloaders, doing everything possible to standout on the app store “shelves” is a perquisite for success.  Given… Read more »

App Store Distribution Growing in Importance

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The dominance of the iTunes store and Google Play continues to maintain a strong hold on the attention of most developers but we’re seeing the smart developers and publishers begin to look beyond these 2 marketplaces to drive incremental downloads for their applications. A recent whitepaper by mobile research specialists Research2Guidance titled “Smartphone App Market… Read more »