From Samsung: Dear Seller Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service. Now you can receive your payment via PayPal! Change your payment method from wire transfer to PayPal by the end of this year, and get a $20 gift card that you can use buying contents… Read more »
Samsung: Change of profit distribution rate for In-App Purchase
From Samsung: Dear Seller Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service. To stimulate interest and promote development in the Samsung Apps ecosystem, we will introduce a new profit distribution rate to better benefit our Sellers. According to the current terms and conditions, the profit distribution rate… Read more »
5 Great Resources For Aspiring Mobile App Developers
There’s no use in denying the fact that we’ve seen an astounding increase in mobile web usage since the debut of the smartphone. As of August 2013, 17.4% of web traffic is mobile in nature. As a result, there’s been an understandable surge in interest in mobile website and app development. For the uninitiated, mobile… Read more »
Addition of PayPal as payment account
From Samsung: Dear Seller Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service. Now you can receive your payment via PayPal! Change your payment method from wire transfer to PayPal by the end of this year, and get a $20 gift card that you can use buying contents… Read more »
Amazon Appstore Developer Select
From Amazon Dear Mobile App Developer, We recently launched Amazon Appstore Developer Select, a program designed to help your apps get discovered and give you more opportunities to boost your sales and revenue. As a developer with one or more qualifying apps live in the Amazon Appstore, you will receive the following benefits: • Discover:… Read more »
Score The Perfect Pair Of Wedding Shoes With These Three Android Apps

The tradition of marriage is a long and storied affair that pre-dates many religions and cultures. In the past, much of the fanfare went into gifts and exchanges rather than the pomp and circumstance that we have become accustomed to in recent history. Nevertheless, weddings are an important part of most people’s lives and ensuring… Read more »
Find The Best Fashion Deals And Steals With These Three Android Apps

Whether it is spring, summer, fall or winter, great fashion deals can be found for every season. As temperatures change and one season gives way to another, you may be in the mood to do a bit of clothes shopping at a local shopping mall or department store. What happens, however, when you find that… Read more »
Three Android Apps For Debt Assistance And Management

With tough economic times more of the rule than the exception, millions of people have suddenly found themselves with a variety of different debts. Between credit cards, student loans, IOUs and personal loans, the amount of debt present these days is higher than ever. In the past, debt was less common but also more difficult… Read more »
Three Hands-Free Apps For Android Devices

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be hard to find a time in the day in which you are not occupied or distracted. With so many mobile gadgets now incorporated into our modus operandi, several issues have arisen that often either put us in conflict with safety or require us to… Read more »
3 Android Business Apps That Will Rock Your World!

Managing your business requirements from a remote location used to be a real headache for travelling professionals. The laptop managed to perform a variety of useful tasks but in hindsight, it was fairly laborious on the whole. You needed to find a WiFi hot spot or internet café and fire up the old beast whilst… Read more »