How Flutter is Better for iOS Developers to build iOS Apps?

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Millions of mobile applications are available to download on the App Store. But, only a few are successful and the rest of them are going through a cut-throat competition to increase app download and drive potential business opportunities. Undoubtedly, user experience is the key to boost app installs. Do you agree? And, it is a… Read more »

User acquisition: 8 Fastest-Growing Personal Finance Apps Of All Time

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An explosion of new consumer finance brands is transforming how people save, spend, and manage their money. Ninety-two million millennials will soon be in what Goldman Sachs calls their “prime spending years.” In aggregate, they command $1.3 trillion in annual spending. They have a deep antipathy to traditional financial institutions. by Liz Rustia A host of startups… Read more »

#PWA: Future of Mobile App development resides in this

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As different technologies continue to mount, Progressive Web Apps are set to signal technical progress and innovation in the mobile app development space. More importantly, unlike responsive web designs, these apps are seen seamlessly uniting desktop, mobile and app experiences. by Serena Cooper In simple words, PWAs are a rare combination of experiences that combine… Read more »

Want to start an app based startup? Calculate cost in 5 easy steps

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The world today, the fast-paced, technology-driven, smartphone savvy world, it is expanding every second. Even as we speak right now. It expands by leaps and bounds. Mobile app development, as a result, is becoming more and more competitive with each passing day. As a rising organization, you need to stay ahead of your competition, which… Read more »

10 Tips On Boosting Engagement and User Retention in Mobile Apps

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You have finished your app — everything from its codes to its features. What’s next is releasing it to the public. However, you need to make it a successful app by gathering and garnering a lot of potential and active users of your mobile application.You have finished your app — everything from its codes to… Read more »

Ad Monetization with Firebase

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For the Marketing World, there are different types of strategies for contributing to UX and even improve user retention and engagement. Advertisements are a crucial part of your marketing’s overall strategy. In the current days, the Firebase Ad monetizing is gaining popularity. Google’s Firebase is a mobile and web development platform packed with multiple services… Read more »

7 Ways to Get More Value from iPhone App Development

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The world today is finding its life in smart devices. They live with the confidence of calling, texting, banking, investing, clicking, and many other things only through one device i.e. smartphone. The market is filled with mobile devices of various platforms. And users choose their device as per their expectation from mobile phones.   By… Read more »