The Virtues of In-App Purchasing

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by Lotaris In-app purchasing is set to become the dominant source of revenue for apps, ahead of revenue for paid-for apps and advertising, according to a new report by Gartner. The report predicts that in-app purchasing will increase from $4.5 billion (17.2% of all app revenue) in 2013 to $36.8 billion (48.2%) by 2017. Distimo’s research… Read more »

Three Android Apps To Help Manage Your Property Development

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Any act of construction is no easy task. It takes incredibly talented engineers, months of planning and preparation, and the perfect set of tools. Several years ago, two of the most important and necessary tools that you could possibly have were a pen and a book of paper. Today, however, the pen and paper duo… Read more »

The Future of Alternate App Stores

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Ever since the $1.9 billion purchase of in July by Baidu, many people who hadn’t paid much attention to app stores outside of iTunes and Google Play have all of a sudden taken notice. Since the health of the alternate app store ecosystem is an area near and dear to us, we felt it… Read more »

Google Play developer policy update

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From Google Play Making Google Play a great community for users is an important part of helping build a successful platform for you as a developer to distribute your apps. From time to time, we update our content policies as part of an ongoing effort to provide a secure and consistent experience for users. We… Read more »

Additions to Buyer’s Currency in Google Play

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From Google Play (we don’t quite know what insert date means in time, but assume ASAP 🙂 Hello, We’re writing to let you know that we will be introducing Buyer’s Currency in Hungary and Taiwan. All prices for these locales will be in the Hungarian Forint (HUF) and New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) currency, respectively. Please… Read more »

What Makes Google Maps a Must Have Android App

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Google announced a newer version of the Google Maps for Android phones to be available on the Google Play store soon. There is no better way to find your way around the world than with the help of the search giant, recognized all around it. Go straight ahead and see how this app is empowering… Read more »

There’s No Need To Go Through Such A Complicated Process All Alone – Legal Help Now Delivered Straight To Your Smartphone

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The law, courts and legal processes in general can be extremely complicated and often when you need some advice it’s difficult to know in which direction to turn. You could, of course, hire an attorney, or simply book an appointment to see a lawyer, but this costs money. In fact, just to get a simple… Read more »

Discover How To Calculate Up-to-the-Second Gold And Silver Prices In A Huge Number Of Currencies With Nothing More Than Your

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Gold and silver trading has become one of the most popular forms of investment and trading. People will typically want to invest money in order to grow their current net-worth, to save for a specific goal, or simply to have more money for a rainy day. Most investors will generally stick to safer options and… Read more »

App Store Optimization for Google Play

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With more than 750k apps available in the Google Play store, the big boys from Mountain View have come even with Apple in terms of the total number of mobile applications. Developers now face the same issue with discoverability as in the Apple App Store: limited features by the editors, competitive categories and keyword exploitation…. Read more »