Minor adjustments to your app creative = huge increase in downloads

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The Mobile App Minute has a fascinating segment on the Road Riot mobile game from Tango. By simply doing some A/B testing on the app icon, Tango had huge results in driving more app downloads. Learn what changing your app icon can mean to you, and how to go about doing it. Some insights from the… Read more »

Perfecting your customer service strategy as an app developer

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As a developer you probably put a lot of thought into your app design, the mechanics, the features and functionalities. You may even thing hard about analytics and monetization strategy, and certainly (we hope) you pay attention to your distribution strategy. But how much time do you spend thinking about how to support your users?… Read more »

A User-First Monetization Mindset

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Monetizing your app through mobile advertising doesn’t have to mean cluttering your app with dizzying messages or disturbing your users with unwanted distractions. A good monetization strategy puts the user first, and takes into account the user’s app usage journey to determine which ad formats to use and where to place them within the app… Read more »

What the Internet Trends means for the mobile app developer

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It’s that time of year, when a barrage of free statistics come at you from Mary Meeker at Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers (KPCB). The Internet Trends report is undoubtedly one of the most influential reports out there – and hey, it’s hard to beat free.  But what does this all mean for you as… Read more »

Developers dilemma: Moving from product to marketing

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How many downloads are needed in order to stay in the top 50 in the Apple App Store or Google Play? 25.000 per day according to Vision Mobile‘s Mobile Megatrends 2012 report.   They make the point that apps need to move from product innovation to marketing innovation, and that apps are as mature as… Read more »