With the release of Android M, Google has taken some major steps to improve usability. Some of the improvements will have positive effects on apps overall, and some will certainly help conversion. As a users I am perhaps most excited about “Doze” which allows for the phone to have a deeper sleep when not in… Read more »
The return of Microsoft as a mobile force?
Windows Mobile has in large part been heralded as a pretty good and sleek operating system. Consumers however, have not caught on at all, and Microsoft’s market share in the mobile OS market has been minimal. With Windows 10 and some strategic moves, it could mean the return to mobile relevance for Microsoft for a… Read more »
The ins and outs of Alternative App Stores
David Jones from Streethawk and Paul “The App Guy” Kemp are two very sharp minds in the mobile world. CodeNgo co-founder Chris Jones had a chat with both of them. The focus of course is about Alternative App Stores, and what alternative app stores can do for developers, but covers wide ranging topics from subscription… Read more »
Mobile games development: The key to survival

Games development can be fun. But fun does not pay the bills, if you intend to live as a games developer. The economic viability of being a games developer is constantly being questioned, and with millions of apps now available, should you be getting to mobile games development at all? First comes the notion that… Read more »
4 things to consider when outsourcing your app development

Today we are speaking with Branislav “Banne” Gjorcevski, the CEO of IT Labs, a global technology company that offers mobile and custom software development and technology consultancy. They have been in business since 2005 and have the luxury of 100 team members. IT Labs is in the process of launching their own techcelerator and venture… Read more »
Games, apps and profitability – How to succeed in the apps world

Articles on the profitability of app making never seem to stop. A barrage of data has been released lately that posts a picture that could be interpreted either way as an app developer. Games still drive the majority of the attention for app revenues and profitability, so naturally the focus is on this genre. The… Read more »
Understanding the non Google Play eco system

Today we spoke with George Christopoulos, founder of the SlideME app store. We asked him to share tips and strategies on how developers can can better understand the Android ecosystem outside of Google Play. 1. How should developers see the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and how should it impact their development and marketing strategies?… Read more »
Making money on apps without pushing ads

The first thing most developers think about when they hear the words “revenue” or “advertising” seem to fall in the same ballpark as the terms CPM and impressions. These old conventional methods of advertising are becoming more antiquated as new categories of applications arise. Ad pushing, interstitials, and smart-wall banner networks promise to draw in… Read more »