From Samsung Dear seller, This is the Seller Office team. Thank you for your continued support of the Samsung Apps Seller Office.We would like to announce that the Seller Office will now be providing paid services in more countries. Effective from – 15th May (Wednesday) New countries getting paid service – United States – Global… Read more »
Mobile app development has reached an inflection point

The market for mobile app development is expected to grow from $25.2bn in 2013 to $92bn in 2018 according to Ridgecrest Capital Partners latest research study (which includes an honorable mention of CodeNgo). Backed by data from among others Vision Mobile, Ridgecrest lists a number of companies that have received VC funding in the space, and they… Read more »
The forthcoming mobile games explosion

Games are undoubtedly one of the most important category for mobile apps. And we strongly believe we have only seen the beginning of the explosion that is to become mobile gaming. As games permeate from entertainment to education, there are several indicators indicating the action is moving to a smaller screen. The big guys struggle… Read more »
Samsung improves the accounting service
From Samsung: [Seller Office] Notification regarding Improvements to the Accounting Service Dear seller, This is the Seller Office Team. Thank you for your continued support of the Samsung Apps Seller Office.We would like to inform you of the following improvements to the accounting service: Simultaneous fund transfer to Agent and Commisionaire models – The following… Read more »
Samsung changes image requirements and launches in Spanish
From Samsung: [Seller Office] Service improvements in April Dear seller, This is the Seller Office Team. Thank you for your continued support of the Samsung Apps Seller Office.In consideration of your valuable advice and opinions, we will further improve the Seller Office service for your convenience. Please note the following information when using Seller Office…. Read more »
Amazon App Store extends its reach

From Amazon Dear Mobile App Developer, Soon, Amazon will open distribution in nearly 200 additional countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, India, South Africa, South Korea, and even Papua New Guinea and Vatican City. Many new consumers will be able to access a large and growing catalog of apps and games from Amazon. This means… Read more »
Amazon Coins about to launch
From Amazon: Submit for Approval by April 25th to Take Advantage Amazon Coins is launching in May. Tens of millions of dollars worth of Amazon Coins will be given to U.S. customers for free to spend on Kindle Fire apps, games, and in-app items. If your apps are already available for sale to U.S. customers… Read more »
Samsung Using Price Change for Paid applications
From Samsung Dear seller, Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service.The Flexible Price function has been available from the Seller Office since December 13, 2012. Some Paid applications may have been sold at lower price because of the Price Tier applied for specific countries prior to… Read more »
TV or not TV
The folks at The App Entrepreneur posed an interesting article about whether apps for your TV will be growth area in the future. TAE is somewhat skeptic, pointing to OS challenges and the like. They also argue that the format may not be great for apps: TV apps that would probably work would be gaming… Read more »
Fortumo touts carrier billing and alternate app stores

Mobile payment provider Fortumo is getting serious about alternative app stores. Through their email blast entitled “Are all your eggs in one basket?”, Fortumo makes a convincing case why developers need to start thinking about other stores than Google Play. They make an important observation: Unfortunately, the average user downloads only 40 apps for their… Read more »