From Amazon:

Submit for Approval by April 25th to Take Advantage
Amazon Coins is launching in May. Tens of millions of dollars worth of Amazon Coins will be given to U.S. customers for free to spend on Kindle Fire apps, games, and in-app items. If your apps are already available for sale to U.S. customers on Kindle Fire, then no action is required. If you have new apps or games ready, submit them by April 25th so they’ll have the best chance of being available for Amazon Coins purchases at the launch of the program.

For more information on Amazon Coins, click here. Stay tuned to the Distribution Blog for more updates and announcements regarding the launch of Amazon Coins.

New Kindle Fire Emulators
Wouldn’t it be nice if emulators weren’t so slow? The new Kindle Fire emulator startup and run time with the x86 system images is now close to that of an actual Kindle Fire. It also looks and acts the same–if you’ve used our standard ARM system images before, there’s no change in how you use the new x86 system images.

To learn more and download the new emulator, click here.

Amazon Mobile App Distribution Blog
Have you visited our blog recently? Here are some posts you may have missed:

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