From BlackBerry: We wish to bring all you game developers out there some critical information about GPUs and Texture Compression on BlackBerry 10. Please note that there are two different GPUs available for the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone: Imagination GPU and Qualcomm GPU. Even though the specifications of both types of GPUs are comparable, when you… Read more »
Top 3 reasons why Amazon Coin is good for developers

Amazon just announced the release of their own virtual currency, Amazon Coin. Holders will be allowed to spend Amazon Coin to purchase apps, games, and in-app items on Kindle Fire. Naturally Amazon does this to promote the eco-system for the Kindle Fire, which to begin with is quite limited. There are however good reasons that Amazon… Read more »
Samsung changes app icon size
Samsung is changing the size of their app icon images. The good news? As a CodeNgo user it does not matter, as we take care of that for you 🙂 From Samsung: Dear Seller, Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service.Please note that Seller Office has… Read more »
Google Play changes payout schedule
From Google: We are committed to providing you with a consistent and reliable payout experience while we introduce new forms of payment to better serve your users and create more revenue opportunities for you. In order to do so, we are shifting our payout date to 15 days after the month’s end. Starting in February… Read more »
Mobango showing the way for alternate app stores

We believe in the alternate app store space (or we would not be in business :)). Â Just as you would never do your grocery shopping at one store, or go to the same restaurant your entire life, there is a need for outlets for mobile apps that go beyond Google Play and iTunes. Â The evidence… Read more »
BlackBerry updates features and search
A number of things have happened on the BlackBerry app world lately. These are excerpts from BlackBerry announcements: Changes of note include: Feature image per platform: Submit a feature image that is specific to each platform App icon per platform: Submit an icon image that is specific to each platform Ratings and reviews per platform:… Read more »
3 guides from Samsung to help get certified
Samsung just published 3 helpful guides for developers to help in the certification process: [Certification Team] 3 types of Guide for passing the certification are newly uploaded. On the Samsung Apps Developer Site, Samsung Apps certification team uploaded 3 types of Guide which will help seller to improve certification pass rate. These guides are available… Read more »
Growth of Google Play leads to app store innovation

If you are a developer of mobile apps, a milestone has until now somewhat quietly become a reality: Google Play now has the same amount of apps as iTunes, standing over 700,000 apps strong. App discovery is a huge challenge, which probably means developers may be more likely to cry than cheer when hearing the… Read more »
Samsung changes file sizes
From Samsung Dear Seller, Thank you for using Samsung Apps Seller Office; we deeply appreciate your support for our service.Please note that Seller Office is planning to change the size of icon images, as below, so that it will support the registration of devices with higher resolution; so please check the notice to reduce the… Read more »