A number of things have happened on the BlackBerry app world lately. These are excerpts from BlackBerry announcements:
Changes of note include:
- Feature image per platform: Submit a feature image that is specific to each platform
- App icon per platform: Submit an icon image that is specific to each platform
- Ratings and reviews per platform: Users now view ratings and reviews specific to their platform (BBOS, BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry PlayBook)
- The Search Algorithm has changed
Details on BlackBerry World Search
With the recent upgrade to BlackBerry World 4.3, the BlackBerry World search algorithm has changed.
It now uses the following product attributes to determine search results. The attributes are listed in order of importance to the algorithm:
- Product Name
- Keywords
- Vendor Name
- Short Description
Note that the Long Description is no longer considered by the Search algorithm.
Read the following developer blog to learn more about the algorithm changes and how to tweak your meta-data to better market your app.
Marketing Your App – BlackBerry World Search Optimization
Pricing Tier Update
In preparation for launch of BlackBerry 10, we will be starting the first wave of our planned pricing update in BlackBerry World. This first wave will update the British Pound (GPB) and Euro (EUR) currencies. Shortly after we will be rolling out updates to other currencies and will be informing you in advance of those changes.
This price tier update includes updated currency exchange rates and VAT requirements. These updates will help to position your content items to be more competitive and attractive to customers in the UK and Eurozone markets. The goal of this adjustment is to ensure prices are in line with currency fluctuations and ensure content within BlackBerry World is competitive.
The price change is completely automatic and will not impact the availability of your content items to customers. You are not required to take any action.
So what does this mean for the customer?
Currently, the lowest tier in the UK is £1.00. Once the price tier changes are implemented, the lowest tier will be £0.75. For Euros the tier will vary by country. For example, in France the current lowest tier is €0.99. With the pricing tier changes, the new lowest tier will be €0.89.
Should you like to adjust the price tier for your content items in a given country you can freely do so within the BlackBerry World Vendor Portal at any time.
Please note that if you make any changes to the pricing of your content items there will be a delay of up to 24 hours until the prices appear.
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