What are incentive ads? Unlocking User Engagement: Exploring the Power of Incentive Ads in App Marketing by Liz Rustia Incentivized ads are marketing tools that offer users a reward or incentive in exchange for completing an action. They often appear on shopping or gaming apps. And they’re sometimes referred to as sponsored, rewarded or value… Read more »
Amazon Coins about to launch
From Amazon: Submit for Approval by April 25th to Take Advantage Amazon Coins is launching in May. Tens of millions of dollars worth of Amazon Coins will be given to U.S. customers for free to spend on Kindle Fire apps, games, and in-app items. If your apps are already available for sale to U.S. customers… Read more »
Top 3 reasons why Amazon Coin is good for developers

Amazon just announced the release of their own virtual currency, Amazon Coin. Holders will be allowed to spend Amazon Coin to purchase apps, games, and in-app items on Kindle Fire. Naturally Amazon does this to promote the eco-system for the Kindle Fire, which to begin with is quite limited. There are however good reasons that Amazon… Read more »