“Whoever comes into the marketplace is going to have to work through us” – those were the strong words of then CEO of Vodafone, Arun Sarin in 2007. Arguable he missed that one by a few football fields. Whether greed, arrogance or technical ineptness served to marginalize mobile operator as the universal payment and billing… Read more »
Is the carrier app store making a comeback?
News of a potential new app store from Verizon has caused at least what is called a marginal stir in the US wireless community. The tech press and analysts are not exactly believers though. Why is this the case? Are mobile operators doomed to fail yet again? Perhaps there are driving forces simply requiring them… Read more »
Sayonara Vodafone AppSelect
If you have published anything to the Vodafone AppSelect store, you would have recently gotten this message (although chances are you have not, which is probably why this message was sent out in the first place): Due to technical and operational considerations, Vodafone AppSelect will now close on 21 November 2012, which is earlier than… Read more »