Ah, the age-old idea of the business meeting: by virtue of having everyone in the same room together, ideas, presentations and collaboration automatically becomes more efficient, communication is streamlined and any misconceptions or confusions are avoided. This has been one of the key justifications for business conferences and meetings throughout its existence, but technology has made it possible in recent years for this excuse to fall by the wayside. There are now dozens of technologies and applications in existence that can provide all the advantages of personal communication without the need to physically be in the same location (which can help businesses save time and money). Below, we will discuss three of these meeting and conference applications and how each can help your employees be more proactive, efficient and on the same page – without costly or lengthy in-person meetings.
Fuze for Tablets

With so many businesses now having to minimize expenses and become more efficient in the wake of a slower global economy, it makes perfect sense that many would be in search of comprehensive meeting software that eliminates the need for constant one-on-one presence. This is where an app like Fuze for Tablets can be of service. One-on-one interactions are 100% free (you will need a subscription account for more than two users to be connected simultaneously), and can be used to provide video and audio conferencing over any cellular or wireless network. Users will be able to share PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, movies, PDFs and virtually any other file imaginable. Available for download via the Android Marketplace, Fuze for Tablets allows users to collaborate and share data without the need for any physical presence.
IBM SmartCloud Meetings

One of the biggest names in the business world and a consistent team player when it comes to traditional conferencing methods, IBM has recently debuted its SmartCloud technology that will allow businesses to connect as many people to one central hub from anywhere in the world. Users will be able to see any and all shared desktop content live, see who is in the meeting and participate in group and private chats – whether that be via text or audio. Video conferencing options are also included to ensure that everyone is able to understand and convey their respective thoughts and intents. Currently available for both Android and iOS devices, IBM SmartCloud Meetings is a free download that can be used with any IBM business account to connect an unlimited number of users at once.
Cisco WebEx Meetings

If you need to stay connected to your office – regardless of wherever you may be – then the Cisco WebEx Meetings app can be a valuable tool. Users will be able to connect via audio and voice, share thoughts and see everyone who has joined the meeting thus far. One of the biggest names of teleconferencing, Cisco has made it its mission to provide a streamlined conferencing app that sacrifices the intricate details for simplicity and effectiveness. Available on both the Android Marketplace and the iTunes App Store, Cisco WebEx Meetings can save everyone frustration in the long-term by ensuring that they are connected and informed.
So, there you have it. If you use one of the above apps, you can still stay in touch with your colleagues and clients even when you’re on holiday. Just don’t work too hard!
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This post has been contributed by Jack Norway, an employee at Picture Point Terraces. He is well versed with the latest advancements in the field of design, travel and technology. Visit www.picturepointterraces.com.au for more creative ideas and information.
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