Insomnia and Sleep Apnea are no laughing matter and either of these can seriously affect your ability to function properly during the daytime. The problem with having a drowsy and lazy day is that you’ll find it just as hard to sleep again the following night. A vicious circle that nobody enjoys putting up with! Your doctor may advise you to try some sleeping tablets, but you should think twice about that suggestion. Your body may allow these artificial aids to knock you out for a few times but eventually you will build up a resistance that requires even stronger ones to have any effect. You will also find it really hard to shake these off the next day. Instead of this route, why not have a word with your Smartphone and see what Android has to offer you? This article looks at some very swish applications that promise to help you get a good night’s sleep – every night!
Nature sounds to sleep by Desenvdroid – Free

Our first app has a title that may be lacking in imagination, but it certainly lets you know what is in store! It is a fact that we love to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of Mother Nature and this app promises to deliver these to our pillows every night! Everyone is different when it comes to how we like to relax and this app has enough choices for all of us. You may prefer to doze off to the sound of rainfall, or perhaps the sound of waves lapping against the shore will hit the spot? Whatever your favourite natural noise happens to be, you should find it right here. You can tweak the app to allow a certain start on stop time and you’ll also be able to wake up to one of the myriad of available sounds. We recommend this to those of you city dwellers who crave a good night’s sleep once more!
Relax Timer by Master B – Free –

This is one cool Android app that brings a whole lot of sleep aid to the table and then some! You have all of the ambient sounds you can shake a stick at and it also features a sleep tracker! Choose from those oh so relaxing natural sounds such as rain storms, waterfalls and flowing streams, any of them will surely have you nodding off in a few minutes. And when you fall asleep, the device will track your sleep pattern by recording the breathing intervals you emit. Once you have a copy of your typical sleep pattern, you can use the ‘Sleep Cycle’ feature to tune in your sleep and wake up themes as you wish. So you have 2 very good functions that work together in order to compliment your entire sleeping pattern. We can’t believe that this app is totally free and suggest you download it straight away, even if you don’t have sleeping issues!
We’re Off To The Land of Nod!
Android have delivered to very good sleep-aids that we think you’ll soon be waking up to every morning!
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Abbey Brooks, the author of this article, is a fun loving person who enjoys writing about her experiences and opinions. By day, she works as a sales executive for CPAPOnly.
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