Can you think of anything more exciting than playing a mobile racing game? What about playing a racing game that also lets you blast cars into the sky with special weapons? Combat racing games are definitely all the rage nowadays and there are some great ones available that won’t leave you disappointed. Let’s take a look and see what some of them are.
Fast & Furious 6: The Game

If you’re a fan of the movie franchise you will definitely want to check out this game. Not only will you get to race some cars, but some of the game modes are great too, including the chance to hook up with your crew in order to carry out some heists. The challenges are very addictive and they’re made even better because of the great graphics that will keep you happily entertained for hours.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted

You might have played this before on a games console, but don’t worry if you haven’t because you’ll pick it up pretty quick. You just need to compete against a lot of other street racers while trying to evade the chasing police. You also get to customize some of the most popular cars in the world, which some people will enjoy as much as the racing itself.

Some racing games get boring after a while, but it’s very hard to get bored when you get to drive around destroying things with big weapons attached to your car. Indestructible delivers one of the most explosive mobile racing games around. If that isn’t enough you don’t need to pay to play it, though you will need to shell out a little money if you want to buy any of the extra items available.
Table Top Racing

Try your best to win as many coins as possible while you drive along attacking your opponents with a mad arsenal of weapons. Try to unlock as many cars as possible so you will never get bored. You can even increase the amount of weapons you have available to blast those other cars off the track. Table Top Racing is a slick game with very responsive controls and everyone will love it.
Smash Cops Heat

Instead of racing against any old opponents you will be up against crazed felons who will be desperate to outrun you as you chase them down. The city you will be driving around in is awesome and it’s also pretty big. You will have to know it well because you’ll also be getting chased by the enemy and you can’t be caught. It’s almost like an old school Grand Theft Auto game.

You can race your opponents in a normal race, but if you feel like going a little crazy you can try to attack them with weapons too. There are a huge number of campaigns in this game and they stretch out over 7 wonderful jungle tracks. The ability to play a mixture of different modes makes it one of those games you can play forever without getting bored.
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This post has been contributed by Todd Jacobson. He is very passionate about adventure sports and motorcycles. Click here to know more about him and his company.
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